Cross Cultural Leadership

After lots of planning and preparation, our goal to have another training for indigenous pastors became a successful reality. We praise God that over 70 local pastors and spouses spent three days together at the Bu Daya (God's Garden) Missions Base near Jawajeh, Liberia.

This training was organized in collaboration with missionaries Eric and Pam Buller who have been serving in this area since 2011. What was especially unique about this particular jungle training is the Cross Cultural aspect. All of the teaching was done by our partners from Ethiopia. Pastor Ayalkbet Getachew, a church planter from southern Ethiopia did the majority of the training. Saba Mekonnen, one of the newer staff members with Called to Go from Ethiopia assisted Pastor Ayalkbet with small group discussion and faciliation. Paulos Assefa, our friend who has invested his life in planting churches in Ethiopia was another significant part of the team.

By the end of the training, plans were made to have Pastor Ayalkbet return to Liberia as a short-term missionary. Our desire is to have him and one other Ethiopian missionary spend 3-4 months serving alongside the Bullers. Eventually, we plan to have a permanent missionary from Ethiopia serving among the Gola people.


A Vision for Türkiye


Multiplication in Malawi