Get to know ZEELO …
ZEELO staff and volunteers have served as missionaries, church and para-church staff and pastors. They’ve raised families while investing their lives in ministry. Their experience in pastoral care, administration, logistics, and networking is central to our work. ZEELO has a growing network of global leaders. These relationships affords us unique opportunities to connect leaders with others who can serve, care for, and minister to additional leaders around the globe. Through the use of technology, our staff and volunteers are able to multiply our ministry efforts in ways not possible just a few years ago.
Partnerships: We are designed for community and doing life together. Through partnerships, we create relationships in which the world is expanded and others are benefited.
Accountability: Since much is entrusted to us; time, resources, people, trust, and confidentiality there are appropriate guidelines and structures in place. This ensures that we work ethically, responsibly, and are able to answer for our conduct and obligations.
Innovation: We approach each situation with creativity and a problem-solving mindset. We attempt new things in hopes of better outcomes for everyone involved.
Generosity: Jesus is the greatest example of living generously. When people follow His example, both the giver and receiver experience joy and gratitude.
Excellence: Everything we do is done in light of the high standards Scripture and the One who calls us to look to the interests of others and not our own.
BETTER LIFE FOR PASTORALISTS BLFP is an indigenous organization in the Omo Valley of Ethiopia that believes that sustainability, self-support, and peace can be achieved through the advance of the gospel.
CALLED TO GO Exists to extend the reach of the Gospel to communities and regions that still are unreached, delivering the message of hope to those who have yet to hear it. They are committed to addressing the needs of marginalized and neglected segments of society, fostering care and compassion by leading individuals to embrace the transformative power of Jesus Christ's sacrificial death on the cross and His resurrection, and finding salvation for their souls.
GenerousChurch equips leaders in global church networks to unleash generous disciples. We believe generosity has a far more robust meaning than simply giving money. Living generously is richer and deeper — tied closely to discipleship and spiritual formation. Through leadership development and innovative tools like our Generosity Design Lab™, we help leaders and church planters unleash Biblical whole-life generosity which helps fuel the spread of the Gospel.Meeting the practical and spiritual needs of people in far off lands is a big deal at Journey Bible Church. We take the time to invest in a few, strategic areas through relationships with missionaries on the ground. We call this effort Global Missions. We believe that everyone has a role to play in reading those in need in our world. Your part may be to pray for missionaries and mission efforts. You may financially support long-term missionaries or help fund short-term mission trips. You might even find yourself participating in a trip to see firsthand the work God is doing and use your skills and passions to make a difference in the lives of others.
The vision of MissioNexus is to see missional leaders accelerating the fulfillment of the Great Commission in servant partnership with the church globally.
The UP Global Network is committed to people groups with less that 2% Christian and without a church presence. These are called the “unreached.” UP Global exists to make Jesus known among these unreached people groups. We provide a pathway to the unreached by developing partnerships, providing training, and assisting in development.
We believe the Bible is the inspired Word of God. Our practice is to abide with God daily through reading and studying His Word.
We believe in prayer. Our practice is to spend time in prayer daily, not just to make our requests known, but to better know the God who loves us and gave Himself for us.
We believe in one God, existing in three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Our practice is to walk in obedience to our heavenly Father, being sensitive to the Spirit’s direction for the glory of the Son.
We believe in the Great Commission. Our practice is to participate in this divine calling as disciples of Jesus while helping others do the same.
The name ZEELO is a blend of Greek and English words for Zeal, Life and Logistics. The name is intentionally ambiguous, short, and memorable. The owl, more than a mascot, looks east towards the 10/40 window and represents our core values of generosity, excellence, and innovation. Founded in 2020, our roots are directly connected to the advocacy work of author Max E. Zimmermann who started Immanuel Mission in Los Angeles during the Great Depression of the 1930s. Other influencing organizations include YFC, Avant, and Gideons International.
ZEELO Staff and
Board Members
Ray: Founder & Lead Advocate
Ray’s career spans four decades with over 30 years on staff with two large para-church organizations, and several years as the Executive Pastor of a large church in the Kansas City metro area. Ray is a connector, builder, and dreamer with a shepherd’s heart. A wealth of global connections allows him to focus on one-on-one discipleship, spiritual care, and fostering authentic relationships. He is an experienced coach and shepherds leaders internationally using virtual platforms as well as in-person, on-site visits. If he’s not on the way to or from the airport, you might find him slow-smoking barbecue ribs, sitting in a deer blind, or officiating a wedding.
Janell: Co-Founder & Lead Admin.
Janell’s ministry tenure is equally long, serving alongside Ray for decades. She’s served as a church administrator for a large church in Johnson County for the last 15 years. Janell is a trusted confidant who brings to ZEELO the strengths of excellence, compassion, and attention to detail. Her giftedness lies in the areas of administration, mercy, and hospitality. Janell’s favorite things include reading, time with family and traveling with Ray.
Ray and Janell are happy to be lifetime Kansas residents who have traveled globally over their 40+ years of marriage. They have three married children and seven adorable grandchildren.