An advocacy story …
Watch this 2-minute video from Ray, our Founder and Lead Advocate about the ways ZEELO is serving those who live and work in some of the most remote places on earth.
Your advocacy at work …
Watch this short video update from Ray, our Founder about the ways your prayers and support are being used in creative ways to help church planters.
ZEELO values partnerships …
Here’s a short video about how ZEELO works in partnership with other organizations to optimize outcomes.
What other Global Leaders have to say …
“I am a missionary serving among an unreached people group. Over the last year, I have seen ZEELO in action both stateside and in my country. ZEELO’s thoughtful place-sharing (being with me in my context) brought refreshment to my bones. ZEELO’s extraordinary generosity in meeting needs unique to my calling (such as funding a timely spiritual retreat for my wife and me) brought rest to my weary soul and useful tools for the task. ZEELO’s intentional connecting of partners has helped further our mission. ZEELO recently facilitated a lunch to introduce me to another like-minded missionary in my field, and this will be a meaningful connection for years to come. ZEELO is answering God’s call to stand in several gaps that most [people] do not perceive in supporting missionaries. ZEELO is uniquely equipped to fill in these gaps for the glory of God and the good of His co-laborers.”
What is ZEELO?
ZEELO is all about quality, personalized advocacy for Global Leaders. Our focus is providing care, resources, connection and support to expat and indigenous leaders serving around the world. Our first priority is those who are those serving among the unreached and unengaged people groups of the world.