A Vision for Türkiye

Türkiye, known in antiquity as Anatolia or Asia Minor, is a land rich with history and cultural significance, serving as a bridge between Europe and Asia. Its unique geography has made it a cradle of civilizations for millennia. It’s home to the World’s Oldest Temple Göbekli Tepe, located in southeastern Türkiye, dating back to 9600 BC and is considered the oldest known temple complex in the world. Predating Stonehenge by several millennia, it features massive stone pillars arranged in circular formations, likely used for ritualistic purposes by hunter-gatherers. Once the inhabitants of Noah’s Ark disembarked on Mt. Ararat Türkiye eventually became the birthplace of urban civilization. Catalhöyük, an ancient city in central Türkiye, is one of the oldest and most advanced Neolithic settlements. Dating back to approximately 7500 BC, it featured densely packed homes without streets, accessed by rooftops. Archaeologists have uncovered evidence of art, religion, and early forms of societal organization in this ancient metropolitan area. From it’s earliest beginnings up to today, Türkiye is a “Cultural Melting Pot” of sorts. Over centuries, Türkiye has been home to diverse civilizations, including the Hittites, Phrygians, Lydians, Greeks, Persians, Romans, Byzantines, and Ottomans. Each one left an indelible mark on the land, shaping its rich cultural and architectural heritage.

Of particular interest is the Biblical history of this ancient land. Türkiye is intertwined with numerous biblical narratives. From the Genesis account of Noah on Mount Ararat, to Paul in Ephesus, one of the seven churches of Asia mentioned in the Book of Revelation, Türkiye holds a place in Biblical history. ZEELO’s desire is to return the people of Türkiye to their Biblical heritage by resourcing, connecting, serving and encouraging those who live and serve as pastors and church planters in this ancient land.



Preaching about sheep …


Cross Cultural Leadership