Multiplication in Malawi

If you’ve never heard of Nathanje, Malawi, you’re not alone, most people haven’t. It’s quite a remote location in the southern hemisphere of east Africa. Malawi is a beautiful country with a mix of rolling agricultural fields, small mountains, arid savannas and the third largest lake in all of Africa — home to more species of fish than any other lake in the world. Amid all of the natural resources of Malawi there remains a deficit of spiritual health and discipleship among its residents. The good news is that there is a strong Gospel presence in the nation. Pastors like Bonface Milanzi are among those faithful Global Leaders with whom we are blessed to serve alongside. ZEELO recently partnered with Pastor Bonface to expand his ministry reach. We were able to purchase a motorcycle for him — allowing him to reach more remote villages with the Gospel. Additionally, we were able to help fund the construction of a new church in Nathanje, something that is desperately needed. Today, Bonface is seeing many people turn to faith in Christ because of his influence and the existence of a physical church building.


Cross Cultural Leadership


Our “North Star” …